
Great things in business are never done by one person.

The individuals who work at Great Ideas in Action share the vision and values to take every bit a level of top notch.We’re driven by the possibility that the best work is conceived from determination, craftsmanship and fun.

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Our Values

We’re a bright young bunch peoples assigned a project

Komal Somani

Komal Somani
(Founder & Director)

Ankit Kurup

Ankit Kurup

Tejaswini Jagtap

Tejaswini Jagtap
(Sr. Graphic Designer)

Tejashri Ahire

Tejashri Ahire
(Sr. Web Developer & SEO)

Aditi Ekbote

Aditi Ekbote
(Executive Content Writer)

Piyush Thakare

Piyush Thakare
(HR & Admin Executive)

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